Steve Workman's Blog

The importance of cooperation

This weekend, London Web Standards manage to get evangelists from all of the major browsers in a panel to talk about their companies' products. After a week of Opera bashing for being the first vendor to alias webkit CSS prefixes it was a sight for sore eyes. Thing is, from what I've observed, this is how things usually are between the vendors.

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State of the Browser 2012

Just a quick post to say that State of the Browser 2012 was awesome. I had loads of fun, met a lot of great new people and heard loads of really interesting talks.

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Sketchnotes from The Big M 2012 at Bath Digital Festival (Open Mic 13)

Yesterday, I went to Bath to learn about the latest in mobile development from some of the best people in the industry. We had talks from network operators, people who interact with developer advocates, how to make money from apps, digital media distribution, the future of the mobile web and talks about good web apps and responsive web design.

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Installing JSDom on Windows

If you've ever wanted to scrape a web page and extract some information using Node.js, there's a really useful module called JSDom that parses a document and gives you a DOM that you can then manipulate with YUI or jQuery.

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Node & Tell at London Web Standards

February 2012's London Web Standards event at Forward London was an introduction to Node.js, the server-side javscript framework designed for high concurrency and real-time events. There were two sessions at the event, George Ornbo (@shapeshed) giving an introduction to Node, and a "Node & Tell" session, where four sets of developers came and told the gathered crowd how they'd been using Node in their work.

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