Steve Workman's Blog

Tagged “HTML5”

Interacting with HTML5 Video Players

HTML5 video players are incredibly useful, enabling developers to display video on non-flash devices (I'm looking at you, Apple). It's really simple to get started with HTML5 video, but when you want to do something more complicated, there's not much documentation. Thankfully, it's really quite simple, and this article will show you how to use the HTML5 video JavaScript API to interact with the videos.

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Project WOW on the Google App Engine Blog

A really quick note: one of my colleagues Ed Hartwell-Goose has written a post for the Google App Engine blog on Project WOW - a site for weather enthusiasts to send their readings to and be collated by the Met Office. It's well worth the read to see what we've been up to and some of the hugely high-performance stuff you can write for App Engine.

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Responsive web design in practice - making Steve and Emily's

Over the last few months I've been making a web site for my wedding. Emily (my fiancée) and I didn't want your run-of-the-mill wedding website, hosted by someone on an unrecognisable domain (for example, or sub-domains). I wanted something that I had control over, that I could make as the perfect website for us, not a nice template that thousands of others have. We wanted something personal.

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The Limitations of WebSQL and Offline apps

Web applications are the next big thing in the web. Being able to take web sites and make them run alongside native apps, having them work offline and perform just as well as their native counterparts is the next step along the road. As usual, with all new technology, there are some limitations.

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Executive Summary - Flash vs HTML5

Flash CS5 boxSo, infamously, the iPhone OS doesn’t support Flash, encouraging its users to use the advantages of the webkit-based Safari to overcome any challenges that a lack of Flash can present. Last year, Adobe announced that in Flash CS5, you’d be able to convert it to run on the iPhone. In April, with a revised iPhone developer agreement, Apple put the brakes on, saying only apps written in one of three languages would be accepted on the App store. Adobe’s solution would compile directly to the CPU bytecode, hence being illegal.

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HTML5 in your blog

This is the second part of a series on the construction of my blog. In this post, I'll be focusing on the underlying HTML5 markup.

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HTML 5 Forms - a spammers paradise

HTML 5 form spamDid you know, HTML 5, the spec that will be completed in 2022, but with some bits available now, will have a whole new set of form elements designed to make complex forms available natively from the browser. I've been to a few talks where Opera's Bruce Lawson has demoed and talked about these upcoming features that have been implemented in the Opera browser. From an accessibility standpoint it looks great; no longer will screen readers have to rely on labels to infer the type of data to be entered into forms. From a developer's standpoint, you won't have to code javascript date pickers any more, nor have to rely on javascript for validation.

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My problem with HTML 5 - Styling <meter>

I consider myself quite a forward-looking chap. Apart from the occasional glance backwards to see IE6 still behind me and throw it some pity code every now and again, I try and use the latest technology and techniques whenever I can.

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Don't just complain about CSS3, do something!

A colleague of mine and I were discussing the current state of the internet, CSS3 and IE being behind the rest of the browsers in terms of standards adoption. He argued that IE was "rubbish because it doesn't support CSS3 selectors/borders etc". My reply to this was, "well, do something about it".

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What Would the Best Mobile Web Toolkit Do?

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm planning a mobile web toolkit to replace iUI, but what would you want in it that's not in iUI already? Should is work across all browsers, even Pocket IE and that godawful Blackberry Web Browser? Should it use progressive enhancement all over the shop or just create a new version for each browser? Should it focus on touch screens or is clicking important too?

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Patching iUI

Recently, I've been working on an iPhone web app for my employer (internal, so I can't share). I based the design and architecture around the iUI library by Joel Hewitt, which became an overnight de-facto standard for web apps. However, after a lot of playing with it and turning it inside out, I've found there are a number of problems which have not yet been fixed.

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